Thursday, 12 April 2007

Fred W Phelps is a Blasphemer & Heretic!

God hates America and don’t worry because God hates Britain and Sweden too!

British TV journalist Louis Theroux, on BBC 2, reveals Fred W Phelps to the British people.

My apologies to all American readers if this stuff is old news but read on anyway because you need to know The Truth about this man.

The other night (4th April 2007) I had the very great misfortune to witness the activities of a so called minister of God by the name of Fred W Phelps. From their HQ, Westboro Baptist ‘Church’ his offspring go around the USA telling the people of the USA that God hates them and that God hates fags (homosexuals). These people actually go to the funerals of deceased soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan to tell their loved ones they died because God hates America and those who sent them to war. Unbelievable, no it’s true?

Now this blasphemous nonsense posing as a message of God tells us several things:

1. Phelps’ message is a lie - God does not hate America, nor does He hate fags (homosexuals). God hates what Americans are doing, yes, just as He hates what British people are doing. God loves the sinner but hates the sin. That, though, is very different from what this wretch Phelps is saying. God loves all Americans and all Brits too and we must get this through our heads or we will never understand the gospel message. God is love - period, not hate - God hates sin, yes and He hates homosexuality but not homosexuals.

2. If this message from Mr Phelps is a lie, and it is, which god is it this Mr Phelps is speaking for? Answer - The Devil for the Devil is the author of lies. The name ‘god’ was everywhere in this programme but then the Devil is a god too - The god of this world and the god of religious counterfeiters and 21st century Pharisees like Phelps.

3. This message is also Old Covenant based so Phelps’ message is a Pharisaical message and therefore a vile perversion of The Truth - a perversion and misuse of Holy Scriptures - a heresy. This misuse is bringing shame and disgrace upon Jesus Christ’s name to both believers and an unbelieving world as well.

4. What is the fundamental flaw in Phelps’ teaching? It’s the same fundamental flaw as mainstream Christianity’s flaw - the erroneous idea that most of mankind is going to hell. All Phelps is doing is taking this lie to an extreme and metaphorically bashing American people with it. It’s like taking the heaviest Bible you can find and whacking people round the ears with it!!

Phelps’ mini organisation has to be the worst example of an American religious cult I have yet come across. It is worse than Herbert W Armstrong’s cult - The Worldwide Church of God and that’s saying something.

To prove this spiritual illegitimate and heretic Phelps wrong all I will do is use three Scriptures:

Scripture 1 - Romans 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

And so all Israel shall be saved, this means all the Israelites and all the Jews that have ever lived from the time of Jacob/Israel to this day will be saved. Now the question we have to ask ourselves here is this. How many of these Israelites and Jews will have been homosexuals in this life and yet will be saved? How many of these homosexual Israelites and Jews will have been Americans? Answer, thousands upon thousands of them and all of them will be saved. There it is, a complete contradiction of everything the liar Phelps is saying.

To expound further, here we have a little conundrum. Here is Mr Phelps telling us that God hates all these homosexual Americans and is going to throw them all into hell - a fiery hell no doubt. Now this is very interesting because while he is saying that, The Lord Jesus Christ has promised that His Father will enable them all to be saved. How will He do that, by giving them new hearts of flesh instead of hearts of stone and turning ungodliness (which includes homosexuality) from Jacob? It looks as though what Mr Phelps is saying is the opposite of what the Godhead is saying and planning on doing!! Well would you believe it - I hope so?

Scripture 2 - John 6: 44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

No man, whether an Israelite, Jew or any other race, can come to Jesus Christ unless The Father draws that man to His Son Jesus Christ. This is how it works and it can work in no other way. Now if there is any man out there that The Father is not calling then that man will not come to Jesus Christ, it’s impossible for him to do so. Being called is not something we, as human beings, have a say in, we have no say at all. It is totally God’s decision, not ours. In turn this means we have multitudes of people across the world that the Father is not calling at this time - not in this life. This also includes Israelites and Jews and it also includes Israelites and Jews who are homosexuals.

If people, and in particular Israelites and Jews, are not being called by The Father now, then they will remain sinners until as such time The Father does call them. Now as sinners, some of these people will sin through a life of homosexuality and until The Father makes them truly aware that they are sinners they will continue living this way. Sinners are carnal minded, their spiritual and mental condition is in a state of total rebellion against God - continually. Sinners can behave in no other way until The Father calls them and makes His Son known to them.

So you see, Mr Phelps can Bible bash, huff and puff, stamp his feet, shoot off his big mouth and pontificate all he likes. He can also print all the infantile hate filled ungodly posters he likes but he’s not going to make the slightest bit of difference to these people - if anything he will only drive them further away and invite a whole load of trouble to his doorstep. Note this and note it well: trouble only came in the Lord’s direction as and when it was time for trouble to come His way - not before and He certainly didn’t go out of His way to deliberately invite it. Yet more proof of Phelps’ ungodly activities.

Scripture 3 - 1 Tim 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

Here is yet another verse that flies in the face of what this silly man Phelps is saying. In reality this verse shows him up to be Biblically ignorant - he literally is a Bible ignoramus or a Bible bigot. A man who does untold damage to Christianity and human beings in general.

Ok, The Father God will have all men to be saved. This word ‘have’ should read ‘desires’. It is The Father God’s desire that all men should be saved. I will leave you with something to think on: If The Father God desires something do you think His desire will be satiated or remain unfulfilled!?

I will be writing an article on the second resurrection, described in Revelation 20, soon. Understanding the second resurrection is crucial to destroying the myth of a literal burning and raging fiery hell which in reality doesn’t exist. It is quite amazing that something that doesn’t exist and yet all the while forms part of the foundation of mainstream Christian teaching can end up in the hands of a man like Fred W Phelps and do so much damage.

Charles Crosby

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